Japanese guidebook publisher(地球步方編集室)has come to our shop to interview us for the guidebook
D09 How to travel around the world Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen 2024 ~ 2025
D09 地球の歩き方 香港 マカオ 深セン 2024~2025
Back in May this year the publisher (地球步方編集室) has come to our shop to interview us for the guidebook.
Mahjong is more than just a game in Hong Kong. It is a part of the local culture, a way of socializing, and a reflection of the city’s history and identity. We were delighted to be invited by a Japanese guidebook publisher who came to our shop to have us shared our passion and knowledge about mahjong with him.
The publisher, who is working on a Japanese travel guidebook on Hong Kong, is interested in learning more about the art of making and playing Mahjong. A tour on our shop was offered showing the guest our various types of mahjong set, from handcrafted bamboo and bone tiles to the modern plastic ones. We also introduced our special HK-theme Mahjong set that features Hong Kong’s landmarks, districts as our design basis for the set. The set is popular among both tourists and locals, as they showcase the unique charm and diversity of Hong Kong.
The publisher was very impressed by the skill and craftsmanship involved in making and playing Mahjong. Through the visit, he had gathered useful information on Hong Kong and mahjong’s culture and history for writing his travel guidebook.
We were very happy to know that our shop and mahjong will be introduced in the guidebook. Subsequent to the publication of the guidebook, we hope to see that more and more people will discover the beauty and fun of Mahjong.